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Danish butter cookies

Sweet Denmark – the best Danish cakes

Whatever the question, cake is the answer!

Cakes are a serious business in the regions of Denmark. From the north of Jutland to the border region at Germany, the cakes you are served reflect where you are in the country.

In this evening course we will explore the most delicate and original recipes of Danish cakes, inspired by Denmark's fascination for the fine pastry tradition.

We focus exclusively on cakes, cookies, and other sweet treats taken from the EU's list of regional specialties. The course is aimed at everyone curious about learning how to bake authentic Danish sweets – especially expats living here – but everyone is welcome.

Examples of goodies we might make bake:

  • Småkager: Butter cookies with a crispy texture in many variations in flavor.
  • Kringle: A delicious, braided cake filled with marzipan and filling.
  • Hindbærsnitter: Cookie with raspberry jam, icing, and colorful decorations.
  • Rugbrøds-lagkage: A surprising combination of rye bread, nuts, jam, chocolate, and whipped cream.

Our experienced instructor will guide you through the recipes and ensure you have an enjoyable experience while also learning about the cultural and historical background of the cakes.

We will end the day by setting a lovely cake table and tasting all the delights together – and hopefully have lively conversations about the day.

What to bring

Beverages, apron, dishcloth, tea towel, and a box with lid for leftovers to bring back home.

Please note

The price includes all ingredients. For the sake of planning and purchasing, food courses are closed for registration approx. 7 days before the start of the course. Please register in good time to ensure your spot on the course.



Dato Tid Sted Navn
1 Onsdag 23.10.2024 11:00-15:10 KBH V, Humletorvet Christine Stokkebye
Christine Stokkebye underviser hos FOF København

Christine Stokkebye

Uddannelse: 1984: Ernærings og husholdningsøkonom fra Suhrs Seminarium. 2010: Master i Sundhedspædagogik, 1 modul. DPU. Diplomuddannelse som turistfører RUC.

Andre faglige kvalifikationer: Madformidling, madundervisning og madproduktion, fuldmægtig, key account manager, konsulent og selvstændig. International erfaring fra 16 års arbejde og ophold i Bruxelles.

Undervisningserfaring: Den Skandinaviske Skole i Bruxelles, Hotel og Restaurant skolen i København, Danæg, Aarhus skolevæsen, AMU Odense, Sygeplejerskeskolen Odense, AOF Odense.

Andet: Arbejder som selvstændig inden for ”mad og historie”.