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Fine Art Course – kursus hos FOF København

Fine Art Summer Studio

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Fine Art Summer Studio

Join our short Fine Art Course and immerse yourself in fine art as you spend a week working alongside a practicing artist. You will explore and experiment with materials as you find new ways of expressing your ideas.

To inspire you, we will at look at the work of modern and contemporary artists. You will investigate scale and the impact of creating artwork in different sizes and formats.

In the second half of the week, you will develop your own fine art project which you will share with the group at the end of the course.

Course outcomes

At the end of the course, you will have produced a number of artworks in different media including – but not limited to – drawings, collages and sculptures. You will gain a greater understanding of the processes and materials used in fine art and you will have developed your confidence in expressing and visualising your ideas.

The picture illustrates the work of a former student.

NB: The price includes a number of basic materials that will be accessible at the course. The students will – around 10 days before the course begins – be sent a further of list of materials to bring and an elaborated courseplan.

The course is taught in English, but the teacher understands and speaks Danish to a basic level of fluency.


Fine Art Summer Studio

Deltag i vores korte kursus og fordyb dig i kunst i en uge i samarbejde med en praktiserende kunstner. Kurset vil give dig mulighed for at udforske og eksperimentere med materialer samt give dig nye måder at udtrykke dine ideer på.

Som inspiration vil vi se på værker af moderne og nutidige kunstnere. Du vil undersøge skala og virkningen af at skabe kunstværker i forskellige størrelser og formater.

I anden halvdel af ugen udvikler du dit eget kunstprojekt, som du vil dele med resten af gruppen op mod kursets afslutning.


I slutningen af kurset vil du have produceret en række kunstværker i forskellige medier og materialer, herunder tegninger, collager og skulpturer. Du vil få en større forståelse for de processer og materialer, der bruges i kunst, og du vil have udviklet din selvtillid i forhold til at udtrykke og visualisere dine ideer.

Billedet illustrerer en tidligere elevs arbejde.

NB: Prisen inkluderer en række basismaterialer, som vil være tilgængelige på kurset. Deltagerne vil – omkring 10 dage før kursets start – få tilsendt en yderligere liste over materialer, der skal medbringes og en mere uddybet kursusplan.

Undervisningen foregår på engelsk, men underviser forstår og taler et fint basisdansk.



Dato Tid Sted Navn
1 Mandag 12.08.2024 10:00-15:55 KBH K, Rosenborggade Samuel Derounian
2 Tirsdag 13.08.2024 10:00-15:55 KBH K, Rosenborggade Samuel Derounian
3 Onsdag 14.08.2024 10:00-15:55 KBH K, Rosenborggade Samuel Derounian
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Samuel Derounian

Uddannelse: I’m educated to Masters level in Fine Art – Painting and Printmaking and Sculpture – at the Glasgow School of Art in Scotland (2011), and the UCL Slade School of Art in London (2017), giving me an excellent understanding of a broad range of Fine Art processes and materials.

Andre faglige kvalifikationer: I have a PGCE – a degree-level teaching qualification – from the UCL Institute of Education in London (2018), giving me an good all-around knowledge of pedagogy. I have also worked for over a decade as a professional artist. I am represented in the Københavns Kommune Rådet for Visual Kunst collection, I have won Statens Kunstfond production funding awards and have exhibited my work nationally in Denmark at Venues including Sixty-Eight Art Institute, Vermillion Sands, OK Corral as well as at galleries and theatres internationally.

Undervisningserfaring: I am looking forward to sharing my knowledge and experience of making art in a curious, imaginative and experimental way with students in a broad range of media at FOF København. I have previous experience as a teacher in a variety of contexts – teaching art in short courses for teenagers and young people at UAL (University of the Arts London), as a University lecturer teaching art at two of the UK’s leading Art Schools (University of the Arts London and the Glasgow School of Art) and at Copenhagen International School.