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Sprog og kommunikation hos FOF København

Level descriptions

What is my language level?

Language courses offered at FOF København og Nordsjælland follow the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), which is a description of skills at a given language level. The descriptions are common to all languages spoken in Europe. Using the CEFR descriptions, you can assess your own language level. The descriptions are divided into three main levels:

  • A – basic level
  • B – intermediate level
  • C – advanced level

At FOF København og Nordsjælland, we have divided our language courses into four additional sublevels, often corresponding to one or two semesters of evening classes.

Niveaubeskrivelser på dansk.

Basic level

Beginner level

I have no/almost no prior knowledge of the language.


I can understand simple phrases when people speak slowly and clearly. I can understand simple written sentences, such as sales advertisements and notices. I am able to communicate in everyday situations with commonly used expressions and elementary vocabulary. I can write very brief notes, such as writing a postcard, and fan fill out forms with personal information.


I can understand everyday words and expressions. I can understand the context of brief messages and notifications. I can read short texts and find specific information in various publications. I can engage in small talk and use common expressions about myself, my family and my work. I can write brief messages and notes.


I can understand and use the most common words and expressions, such as information about myself, my family and my work. I can understand the context of brief, clear messages. I can take part in short everyday conversations. I can read simple texts and understand brief written messages and letters. I can write simple texts, such as letters and personal notes.


I can understand the main ideas in conversations about everyday topics when the language is clear and precise, and I can actively take part in the conversation. I can understand the main content of radio and television programmes about current events or subject that are of interest to me if the speaking is slow and clear. I can understand texts that are written in everyday language or are related to my work. I can understand the content of standard personal letters and can write simple letters, such as a thank you note or an invitation.

Intermediate level


I have a good understanding of the main content of general topics of conversation and radio and television programmes when the language is spoken clearly. I can understand ordinary texts as well as texts related to my work. I can handle most situations that come up while traveling in countries where the language is spoken. I can take part in conversations on ordinary topics without preparation and can tell a story or give a summary of a book or film. I can write a simple and coherent text and write personal letters describing experiences and impressions.


I can understand the content of conversations on general topics as well as the content of news programmes on radio and television. I have a solid understanding of general texts and standard newspaper articles and can summarise the content of these texts and articles. I can understand simple short stories and texts such as blogs. I can easily carry on a conversation as well as explain my views on a given topic at a standard level. I can write texts for everyday situations as well as texts on topics of interest to me.


I can understand longer, coherent conversations and presentations and can follow a relatively complex discussion if I have a good understanding of the subject matter. I can understand films where the language is spoken in the standard version, and I am able to read subtitles in the original language. I can read and understand debate articles and most contemporary short stories and easy to read novels. I can present arguments in favour of and against a particular topic and explain possible solutions to a problem. I can write fairly detailed texts in which I explain my views and elaborate on their significance.


I can understand long lectures or presentations that are given in standard language and am able to understand television programmes and films without much difficulty. I can read long articles, opinion pieces, short stories and most novels written in ordinary language. I can converse freely and can carry on a longer conversation in everyday language with ease. I can write ordinary texts in clear and understandable language with little difficulty, and I have a fair grasp of correct grammar usage.

Advanced level


I can understand long lectures, even those with an unstructured format and understand the content even when the lecturer speaks quickly. I can understand films and television programmes with ease and have a good understanding of complex prose, both fiction and non-fiction. I can understand specialised language, instruction manuals and technical descriptions. I can express myself spontaneously and fluently in speech without much effort, and I can use language with flexibility and efficiency in social and professional situations. I can modify the language depending on the recipient or audience. I can present a problem statement and summarise with a conclusion. My writing is clear and well-structured, and I am able to explain my views in detail.


I can understand all forms of spoken language and speak the language fluently, whether I hear it in direct communication or via media. I can understand a native speaker who speaks quickly and can read almost all types of fiction and non-fiction texts without difficulty. I can effortlessly take part in any conversation and discussion, choosing appropriate terms and expressions. I can express myself fluently, with nuance, and with a high degree of precision. In a conversation I am able to rephrase quickly if necessary. I can explain my point of view using an effective and logical structure that helps the recipient remember important points. I can write with variety and finesse in all genres and can write reports, analyses and reviews in such a way that the reader will notice the important points.

Do you have questions?

If you are uncertain about which level to choose or have further questions, please contact the instructor of the class you are interested in. You can find the information under each class description.

You are also welcome to contact FOF København og Nordsjælland by telephone at 4596 0100 or by email at