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Fyraftens-mediyoga, yogakursus ved FOF Aarhus

Heal trauma through yoga

Heal trauma through yoga

The idea of a yoga practice is based on Bessel Van der Klok's book: The body keeps the score: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma (2014).

It's about using yoga forms to make contact with your body. The yoga position becomes a place to meet healing. We will learn strategies for a safe pose that can reside if difficult emotions arise in the yoga routine.

It is not the style of yoga that is important; the connection and the relationship one has with one body and self is the goal. To help us understand how to practice yoga poses, we work on the awareness of our breath through different exploration approaches. As we work weekly, we create a yoga pace with a strong sense of trust and support.

The teaching approach

The teaching is based on leaded questions, invitation, and somatic movement exercise: a non-judgement approach to yoga posture. The learning is guided by Peter Coates, who has over 30 years of yoga teaching and is a student of BMC's 500-hour somatic body program.