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Conversation & Grammar (B2) - Online Intensive Course

Conversation & Grammar (B2) - Online Intensive Course

Would you like your grammar and conversational skills to get a brush-up? In a friendly and informal atmosphere we will discuss various topics including current news stories and issues. Speaking, reading and listening activities will help you improve your fluency and increase your understanding and use of grammar. Homework is an essential part of the course.

This is an intensive course and lessons take place more than once a week. Please see schedule below.

Classes will be held in a Zoom virtual classroom, which enables teacher and students to interact in real-time. Students will be able to chat, see, listen and talk in the classroom as well as share learning materials. You can download and install Zoom for free, and shortly before start, you will receive a meeting link from the teacher. To be able to participate you will need to have access to a computer/tablet/phone with camera and audio.

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